
Wednesday 16 January 2013


The variety of special dishes in Malacca throughout their traditional cuisine. Malacca is famous for its cuisine will certainly whet your appetite like Malay food, Chinese, Indian, Baba and Nyonya and Portuegese are the pride of the state. That special is the specialty about Malacca. Tourist do not have to worry about finding food that tastes as there are different types of colorful restaurants, stalls along the road and also a coffee shop. Most restaurants are open will be the choice for tourists to dine. If you arrive in Malacca Nyonya cuisine will make you a hearty appetite. It is a combination of Chinese food but use the Indian spices and herbs that are often used by the Malays. Taste yourself, then you know its greatness. Among the dishes that can be sampled is the brain (the fish), braised duck, fat laksa (noodles and shrimp with coconut laksa sauce) banana, mee siam and saffron rice. As an appetizer, you can try the Sago Malacca ( sago seeds together with the sugar) and koci cake ( coconut- self glutinous rice flour). Malay food is famous for spicy, which uses a variety of content from all-natural ingredients such as chili, lemon grass, ginger, coconut milk and so on. Traditional Malay in Malacca is made of chili sauce, shrimp flavor and other seasonings. The most popular dishes of nasi lemak Malay is the dish for breakfast. Fat rice cooked with chicken or beef, peanuts, hard boiled egg and sambal. Other popular dishes are spicy sour (fish and vegetables cooked in spicy tamarind sauce) rendang and fried rice field.

Popular foods in Malacca

 Asam pedas

Asam pedas was known in Malacca and Johor. Mention spicy tamarind everyone knows that the food was very delicious and popular in Malacca and Johor. Recipe to make it not too complicated or too easy. However there are also other areas in Malacca and Johor has a different recipe spicy tamarind. It is up to the tastes of each other to give a special taste in their menu. Normally materials must have is made up of fish (usually herring, mackerel, red fish and fish terubuk) dried chillies, shallots, lemongrass, laksa leaves, ginger flower, tamarind, tamarind or lime leaves. Fimiliarity sour spicy dishes not only serve for the family at home but this dish is also avaiable in food stores, restaurants, even in the leading hotels in Malacca and Johor. It's not only well-known and liked by the people of Malacca and Johore even tourists from within and outside the country also take advantage of this spicy sour dishes. 


Cencaluk is a traditional dish in Malacca. Since it is made of more delicate shrimp called shrimp geragau, cencaluk contains high protein content. Normally, this geragau shrimp scarce. In Malacca, shrimp can be found in a particular season Klebang beach, Limbongan, Tanjung Kling and some other coastal areas. Malacca is not only famous for its historical relics attract more unique, but not least in terms of very tasty food more appetizing. When they talk about the food at the state we are reminded cencaluk sure. According to old beliefs that have become the words of pleasantries, the supposedly if one wedding day it rained all day it is said that the bride likes to eat cencaluk. But it's all just a long story. This food was once pioneered by the Malacca now preferred by all walks of life, not only in his own country, but it goes beyond the  boarders of Malaysia. It also becomes a necessity when enjoying a meal or side dish of rice and some make petai or soaking as a side dish when eating cencaluk. Now enterprise make cencaluk gaining among residents in several areas in the state of Malacca. The state government had decreed the State Assembly as the Shrimp River area producing cencaluk in plans 'One Village One Product assembly'. Additionally, cencaluk also now easily avaiable through open sales as roadside and in markets around the state. For those who through the coastal areas of the River Shrimp Tanjung Kling, one will be able to see a row of stalls selling cencaluk and shrimp paste.

Making process cencaluk

Cencaluk manufacturing process requires some method to make it and it should be done carefully to ensure the product quality cencaluk tasted delicious when eaten. Geragau fresh shrimp ie without soaked with water, mixed with salt and a little rice, which is the same as the materials to make shrimp paste. Once all the three ingredients have been mixed, it would subsequently be put into a container, which pots, guri or small jars. Small pots and jars were then covered with a clean cloth to ferment for three days. There is also the maker of cencaluk rice add a little boiling water to increase palatability cencaluk. When cencaluk already fermented and fit for consumption, it can reflavoured when eaten as a side dish with rice in two ways.  Cencaluk mixed with fresh pepper and onion. Then it will be mixed with lime or lemon squeezed musk or cencaluk wet mixed with a little pepper and slice two ginger, then fried with eggs.


Asam pedas ikan pari

Asam pedas ikan pari (lada hitam)

Asam pedas ikan tenggiri

Ayam masak merah

Buah Melaka (onde-onde)

Rendang daging



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